Friday, October 5, 2012

Dear SRPC,

Ecclesiastes 3 says, for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.

a time to laugh and dance: The 6-week Art of Marriage Class ended on Wednesday night. The room was abuzz with conversation, laughter, and ice cream! One couple said, “The Art of Marriage taught us how to invite Jesus into our marriage in a deeper way.” If you want more Jesus in your marriage but couldn’t take the class, you and your spouse can always watch the videos in the comfort of your own home, online. Go here for more information.

a time to weep and mourn: A memorial service for Kevin O’Rourke will be held in the sanctuary on Monday, October 8th at 7pm. Kevin was working as a civilian contractor in Afghanistan with NATO when he was killed last Saturday. Kevin became a member and was baptized at Seven Rivers before his tour of duty in Iraq. Afghanistan was his second tour of duty. Kevin was also a former New York City police officer who missed being in the World Trade Center by 20 minutes on September 11, 2001. He spent hours that day helping a friend trapped in the rubble. Please pray for the O’Rourke family.

a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted: Do you miss the changing leaves, cooler temperatures, and other telltale signs that Fall is upon us? Our family loves to go to The Pickin Patch in Dunnellon. They’ve got hayrides, a corn maze, lots of photo ops, and of course, acres upon acres of pumpkins for the picking!

a time for war (against exotic animals): One of our staff, Tom Huey, made local headlines this week. You won’t believe why, and neither did his insurance agent!

a time to seek: Martin Luther once quipped, “One Book is enough, but a thousand books is not too many.” Are you seeking a good book (lowercase “b”) to read? The Seven Rivers staff has come up with a new recommended reading list. Check it out here on the website.

a time to speak: Ray gave the annual preaching lectures at my alma mater, Covenant Seminary, on Tuesday. Our new youth director, Marty Cates, was there and texted me, “They were literally the best preaching lectures since I have been here.” This weekend he’ll be preaching on Revelation 3:7-13, Jesus’ letter to the church in Philadelphia.

I perceived that there is nothing better for the children of man than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil–this is God’s gift to man (3:12-13).

All of life is a gift from God…I love living that life with y’all!

Brandon Lauranzon
Assistant Pastor