Great winds are blowing at Seven Rivers Christian School! We just finished revising our school's mission and vision statements:
Academic distinction in community for mission
Academic distinction in community for mission
Mission Statement
Seven Rivers Christian School exists in partnership with families to shape the hearts and minds of children with a distinctly biblical program of academic rigor, artistic beauty and athletic competition.
Seven Rivers Christian School exists in partnership with families to shape the hearts and minds of children with a distinctly biblical program of academic rigor, artistic beauty and athletic competition.
Vision Statement
The vision of SRCS is to produce graduates who are passionate about God and His church and who are equipped to thrive in higher education, create healthy families, and bring the joy and peace of the gospel to a broken world.
The vision of SRCS is to produce graduates who are passionate about God and His church and who are equipped to thrive in higher education, create healthy families, and bring the joy and peace of the gospel to a broken world.
- Did you know the entire 10-12 grades are going to NYC in April?
- The senior class has been raising money for the senior trip all year--going to do tornado-rebuilding work in Tuscaloosa.
- The drama department is undertaking their most ambitious show yet--Beauty and the Beast on April 20-21.
- Good news for seniors--the new hearing loop system will be installed this week. This will radically improve sound clarity for all our hearing aid wearers!
- Went to to see "Lincoln" with Diane on Monday. It was a feast for a history lover. Daniel Day Lewis should win the Oscar and they should then retire the award. His was a masterful performance.
- Way to go, guys. Giving for the last three months of 2012 (the first three months of our fiscal year) was our highest ever! Love to watch you guys respond to God's grace!
- Spoke to Jim Cole last night (our assistant pastor for 20 years!). He's thriving in Utah--assisting at a church, a Christian school and selling real estate. Drop him a note! 1710N 775 E Street, North Ogden, UT 84414;
- Excited about an upcoming sermon series. Jeremiah 6.16 says, “Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls." Our post-Easter preaching will be on looking for those ancient paths, those tried and true ways that bring a people health. The good ways of hard work, thrift, hospitality, prayer and fasting, education of your children, truth telling, humility and family.
- Have you done your homework. Read the sermon on the mount, Matthew 5-7 this month perhaps more than once. It's life changing. I'm preaching on Matthew 5.11-16 this weekend. There was great attendance at all three worship services last weekend. Loved the community around the food after each one and am looking forward to being back together this weekend.