Friday, February 8, 2013

February 7, 2013

Dear Fam,

I am so honored to be a pastor at a church that:

  • Adopts children
  • Loves to learn the Bible (100 people in a class on Ecclesiastes!)
  • Faces hard economic news (like the closing of CR3) without despair
  • Allows the pastors to preach on tough subjects like lust (Adam Jones’ sermon last weekend was A+)
  • Prays for one another (two months ago I asked you to pray for Sarah Paul’s brain surgery; Sarah has had seizures her whole life and she is now seizure-free for 2 months!)
  • Votes in civic elections
  • Gives liberally so kids can go to Camp Seven Rivers
  • Rushes to help neighbors when disaster strikes
  • Loves to worship
  • Grasps the importance of the imputation of Christ’s righteousness to us (II Corinthians 5:21)
  • Isn’t afraid of change
  • Is attending vision gatherings with great zeal
  • Believes getting the faith to the next generation is paramount
  • Has a surprising ethnic diversity for a decidedly homogenous community
  • Has amazing staff teamwork
  • Is filled with seniors who haven’t retired from serving in their Father’s business
  • Supports, not shames, teenage moms
  • Loves the gospel
  • Laughs so freely
  • Appreciates a diversity of musical genres
  • Has trained counselors
  • Is committed to the welfare of its community over its own
  • Disciples its children 6 days a week
  • Allows honesty and broken people
  • Cheers for young pastors and leaders as they grow and develop
  • Is eager to serve on mission trips
  • Cherishes Dean Smith
  • Believes lost people matter to God
  • Loves Jesus passionately because they are growing to understand how passionately He loves us

  • Ash Wednesday service is on February 13 at 6:30. What’s Ash Wednesday?  Ash Wednesday begins the season of the Church Year known as Lent, which begins forty days prior to Easter and is characterized by a focus on penitence, fasting, prayer and works of charity.  This first day of Lent reminds Christians of the works of Jesus in Matthew 16:24 – “If any of you wants to be a my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and follow me.”  The way to Easter is the way of the cross. As the first step in this Lenten journey the Ash Wednesday service invites us to acknowledge our mortality, our sinfulness and our dependence upon the grace of God.  A unique feature of this service is the marking of the forehead with ashes in the sign of the cross.  Since the 10th century this practice has been used to symbolize the frailty of our human existence and our deep need for the saving work of Jesus. 

  • Pray for the Pastor’s Class – pray for many to embrace Jesus. Pray for the Middle School Retreat this weekend – almost 50 going.

  • I’m preaching this weekend on Matthew 5:31-37 – what Jesus has to say about keeping our vows, particularly as it pertains to marriage.  I’ll see you there.

