Friday, April 19, 2013

Dear Fam,

There is "good stuff" coming up at SRPC!

  • Beauty and the Beast--SRCS play this Saturday and Sunday night. Contact the school office (746-5696)for more information.

  • American Folk and Hymn Festival.  Click here for more information or to purchase tickets.

  • Sunday morning men's breakfasts in the month of June (June 2, 9, 16, 23).  Breakfast by William Bunch, and video teaching on the life and lessons of Steve Saint's relationship with the Waodani tribe in Ecuador that took the life of his father.

  • There is more good stuff coming up at SRPC:
    • Summer Conference July 6-10.  Dr. Jimmy Agan, New Testament professor from Covenant Seminary is our preacher for the week.
    • Willow Creek Leadership Summit - August 8-9 at SRPC.  Cost is $50.00.  Click here for more information or to register.
    • Paul Tripp Marriage Conference - September 13,14.  Click here to learn more!

  • Good deeds abound via the work of the Deacons and the Disaster Relief (DR) team.  They are doing trailer modifications for a non-church member who is a double-leg amputee.  The county asked us to help an elderly man whose house burned down and faces code violation fines unless his property is cleaned up quickly.  A church member family is getting a wheelchair ramp built!  Know that deeds of mercy and kindness are being done in Jesus' name.

  • What's the primary ministry of SRPC in our community?  Old Paths sermon #1 reminded us that it's doing our jobs well for the glory of God.  Dorothy Sayers reminds us of the sacredness of our work, "In nothing has the Church so lost Her hold on reality as in Her failure to understand and respect the secular vocation.  She has allowed work and religion to become separate departments...She has forgotten that the secular vocation is sacred.

  • Eric & Kristen Stites (my daughter and son-in-law) were interning for one year in the blighted Holden Heights neighborhood of Orlando.  They have now received a call from their church (New City PCA) to start a church there and they plan to dig in, stay longer and watch God work.  Here's their latest email update entitled, "A Church in the Belly of the Beast."

  • Diane and I are going to Ecuador July 18-27 on a "Wao Tour" put on by ITEC Mission (along with our son, Tucker and son-in-law, Bibb).  Jamie Saint of ITEC gives a brief overview of the trip, "We will arrive Quito on Thursday evening, get on a bus and head down to Shell. Weather permitting, we will fly into the jungles either Friday afternoon or Saturday.  We will spend 4-5 nights in the jungles, where we will be living with the Waodani just like they used to live (without the killings).  This empowers the Waodani by helping them to create an economy so that they can take care of the older people (first time we have heard of this being done in the tribe), as well as propagating the Gospel to others within their tribe.  After leaving the jungles, we will spend the last few days in Shell and Quito as we enjoy the history and culture of Ecuador.  This will involve the Nate Saint house, some of the Missions Dilemma, some other I-TEC media, zip line or cable car over a huge gorge, a visit to the Equator, and a visit to the old city of Quito.  While we are in Shell, we will be staying at I-TEC's training facility.  As you probably know, this is subject to change depending on weather and other factors.  This is a great trip for people to see what it is like on the receiving end of missions, be exposed to missions, and to get a first-hand view of the dilemma we face in missions today."  If you're interested in going with us, here's the application, or contact ITec for more information.

  • Did you know over 100 people are signed up for the Family Missions Trip to Montgomery?

  • Old Paths preaching continues this week with an amazing sermon by an amazing guy on humility (said in jest).  We will be receiving the Lord's Supper as well, the perfect picture for us of what the humble life looks like.  Can't wait to share this meal with you!

