Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dear Fam,

You are a sweet church. Hearing about the work of the Disaster Relief Team last weekend in worship was thrilling. Over 80 DR trips to rebuild homes and neighborhoods ravaged by hurricane, tornado or urban blight and over 40,000 hours spent serving others! Could anything be more beautiful? On top of that, you gave $10,484 (over and above your regular giving, MORE Campaign, SRCS support) to help take care of needy members at SRPC. You know a people are experiencing the lavish love of Jesus when they begin to be sacrificially and joyfully lavish in their giving!

•  Are you hungry? Why is Hunger Week a regular staple of our church diet at SRPC? Galatians 2.10 says, "Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do." Hunger Week is an aid to help us to remember the poor. As we alter our diet and experience hunger pangs, hopefully it attunes us to our incredible prosperity (and self-indulgence) and the needs of the poor all over the world. God wants us to teach our children to live simply and sacrificially. Hunger Week continued last night with the Hunger "Banquet" in the Florida Room. The Hunger Banquet is a teaching event to heighten our awareness of hunger in our community and it was eye-opening. This weekend, worship is abbreviated (Saturday worship begins at 5:00!) so that at 5:50 on Saturday night and 10:50 on Sunday morning, you will be turned loose to drive down to Publix to shop for hungry families in our community. You'll be given a list of items that food pantries most need. If you're unable to manage the trek to Publix, in the narthex, you can make a donation or pay for sacks of grocery staples we've purchased. When you return to church in 30-60 minutes, you'll drive up to the gym where someone will unload your groceries and there will be hotdogs and chips! Caring for the poor honors God and doing it together only multiplies the joy!

•  Want a missions experience you will never forget? There is a mission trip to Kenya scheduled for July 4-21 to do construction and evangelize. Interested? (How could you not be?) Check it out here and contact Blair Commons.

•  Read a great article in the Atlantic a year ago and recently stumbled across it again. It's not a "Christian" article, but is filled with much needed wisdom for our day. Take a look at "Why Parents Need to Let Their Children Fail." Loved this article, too--"16 People On Things They Couldn't Believe About America Until They Moved Here."

•  Looking for a short and meaningful book? Here are three life-changing, quick reads for the holidays: The Freedom of Self-forgetfulness by Tim Keller; A Gospel Primer for Christians, buyMilton Vincent and The Wounded Healer, by Henri Nouwen.

[This is a subliminal message…does anyone have extra tickets to the UF/FSU game on November 30? I’ve got kids coming to town who would love to go.]

•  Advent at Seven Rivers is almost upon us.

Dec 14Camp Christmas, 14 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Dec 21SRPC Concert, 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
Dec 22—10th Anniversary celebration of 10 years in our sanctuary
Dec 24—Christmas Eve Worship, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 pm

•  Did you know that if you are a current or retired Duke Energy employee (or know someone who is), the company matches dollar for dollar contributions to educational institutions. All an employee has to do is go to this link and select Seven Rivers Christian School as their desired charity. Duke Energy will match 100%

•  An amazing week for history nuts. 150 years ago yesterday—Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address (read here).  It was only 272 words—you’d think a certain long-winded preacher would learn the impact of brevity! Friday is the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Diane and I are slightly obsessed with this and have watched at least six shows on this in the last week. I know more about November 22, 1963 than the Warren Commission!

•  Last week was a treat. Diane and I got to attend a program at the FSU Business School where my son-in-law spoke as one of the seven featured entrepreneurs who had started businesses before the age of 30. This event brought all my children to Tallahassee and afforded some great opportunities to wrestle with three special little boys!

•  Can’t wait to see you in worship this weekend. Remember, Saturday church is at 5:00 p.m.! Please come this weekend whether you are shopping or not—we need each other more than ever.

