Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dear Fam,

February kicks off Global Outreach 2014 at SRPC. Each week we’ll have one of the church planters/missionaries that we support sharing in our worship.

>> February 1/2—Ben Turner is starting Strong Tower Church in the under-resourced Parker Street neighborhood in Lakeland. After years of sowing in this predominately African-American neighborhood, Ben has over 120 people already gathering for weekly Bible study!

>> February 8/9
—Bryan and Delta Kelly, Common Ground Ministries in Montgomery, AL

>> February 15/16—Robert and Lois Carr, World Harvest Mission in Uganda

>> February 22/23
—Trina Wisecup, Physician with the I-MED division of I-TEC

As an added treat, our own Steve Saint will be our preacher the weekend of February 22/23. This video will familiarize you if you want to learn more about Steve's life and ministry.

•  Global Outreach 2014 will also unveil our annual mission trip opportunities:

Family Mission Trip to Montgomery Alabama
June 14-21, 2014
Kenya Construction Trip
July 4-21, 2014
India Small Business Mission Trip

•  SRPC lost a beloved member and one of our ablest deacons this week with the death of Roy Carr. Roy’s funeral service will be tomorrow at SRPC at 11:00. His daughter, Jennifer, who used to be on staff at SRPC, penned this thank you note to our church family—

                Well-done Seven Rivers Presbyterian Church, on behalf of Jesus and the Carr family I must say well done.
                The last few months of my life have been the hardest I’ve ever known. When your parents become ill it is always difficult, and even more so when both your parents become ill at the same time. In my case this was compounded by already having a full life, running my own business, supporting my husband, and caring for my two young boys. There wasn’t much space and yet my life circumstances asked more of me. Truth be told many, many months ago I came to the end of Jennifer, but not to the end of Jesus. No, His mercy as we know--and expect--continued to pour out. I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you as a church about how you were God’s mercy to me and my family
                In the last five months I saw this church meet all my family’s needs, and they were many. You provided supplies for my dad such as meals, clothing, and drug store items when he could no longer get these things for himself. People he had not previously known drove him to doctor’s appointments in Gainesville and gave up their whole day. He made new friends from this process who he came to treasure in these final months. You provided him comforting counsel and discussed his greatest fears, concerns and hopes. You coordinated, carried his emotional burdens, and counseled my family (both my parents and me). You moved furniture for my mom, provided her comforting visits in a time of scary transitions. Whatever the need someone was always stepping up to help at a time when our family couldn’t do it all.
                I can think of few finer testimonies of the power of Christ to be our sufficiency than what I have seen in the last few months. It brings joy to my heart for all that I have seen God do through your sacrifice, companionship and service. 
                While there are too many to thank by name special deep thanks goes out to a few folks who put in many, many hours of help and care. Thank you especially to Jacqui Frazee, Byron Jones, Bob Rupp, Rich Eger, Terry Turner, Alice Neiffer, Mary and Rich Heerwagen, Carmen Wessler, Betsy Ward and Isolde Metzger.  

•  This weekend in worship, I’ll be preaching on Matthew 12:22-37. Don’t miss the party!
