Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Dear Fam,
• Hats off to the choir, The Journeymen, and our own resident maestro Chad Robison for the numerous moments of rhapsody we experienced at the Americana Hymn Festival Sunday night! Thank you, thank you, thank you . . . . . . it was grand!
• The only damper on the evening was that when the concert was over we had to say good-bye to Sheri O’Neal. That was hard; we love Sheri . . . a lot!
• Planting a church in Boston is hard but Bryan and Lisa Loney are attempting it. They are two of SRPC’s missionaries. Why not stop and pray for them right now. Here’s their recent newsletter
• Adam Jones’ sermon this last weekend was breathtakingly good. If you weren’t there you need to tune in. His message included this epic quote from Charles Spurgeon, “When we come to the end of self we come to the beginning of Christ! That last shekel binds us to the pretenders but absolute bankruptcy sets us free to go to Him who heals diseases without money and without price. Glad enough am I when I meet with a man who is starved out of self-sufficiency. Welcome, Brother! Now you are ready for Jesus. When all your own virtue had gone out of you, then shall you seek and find that virtue which goes out of HIM…”
• World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization touched off a firestorm last week with their announcement that they were now open to hiring gays and lesbians (a decision they rescinded 2 days later.) Kevin DeYoung an excellent pastor/author in East Lansing, Michigan responded with two very helpful blog posts—The Worldliness in World Vision’s New Hiring Policy and Why is this Issue Different? Quite obviously, little could be more paramount for the church than to speak with biblical clarity and charity on the issue of homosexuality.
• April is full of activity:
→ April 12-13 SRCS 25th Anniversary celebration in worship
→ April 19-20 Easter Services
→ April 23 Pastor’s Class begins
→ April 26-27 SRCS Musical “Annie Jr”
→ April 26-27 A Bruised Reed Sermon #1
• On Wednesday, April 23, Brandon Lauranzon will begin a class on one of the most daunting books of the Bible – the Book of Isaiah. The New Testament references Isaiah more than any other Old Testament book except the Psalms. Jesus began his public ministry by reading from the scroll of Isaiah. You will hear Isaiah at Christmas, on Good Friday, in hospitals, and even at weddings. Saint Jerome referred to Isaiah as the “Evangelical Prophet” because his gospel message is so plain. Join pastors Adam Jones and Brandon Lauranzon for a six week study of The Prophecy of Isaiah. Wednesday nights, 6:30-8:00pm, starting April 23, free childcare available. Sign up at the Guest Services Desk or online here.
• You should have seen the long line of parents this morning as April 1 began enrollment in our preschool for the 2014/2015 year. Parents were lining up hours each to enroll their children. Pray for children and parents to meet Jesus through the ministry of our preschool. Pray for our school leadership too – as their 5 year accreditation visit from the Christian Schools of Florida team come to renew our accreditation. Upon accreditation from CSF, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) will automatically be updated as well.
• This weekend in worship we conclude our series from the Gospel of Matthew! As you gather for worship on Saturday night, I’ll be preparing to preach on Sunday morning in Tokyo. Would you pray for the advance of the gospel in Japan and throughout Asia? Would you ask the Father to encourage the weary missionary leaders who are gathering with me in Thailand. They are like warriors who are taking a brief respite from the battle to re-strategize and reenergize before they reengage the fight. Would you pray for heaven sent refreshment for them!