Dear Fam,
A prayer that Seven Rivers Church would be a gospel-soaked, grace-saturated church--Gracious heavenly Father, we bring our church family before you, with all her brokenness, baggage and beauty. It’s not only a privilege, but a central calling to pray without ceasing for the body of Christ. For until the day Jesus returns, the church is your chosen means for revealing your glory, extending your grace, and advancing your kingdom. No wonder she is constantly being assailed by the world and assaulted by darkness. By the most-glorious gospel, bear great fruit in our midst, Father. Deepen and strengthen our faith in Jesus, keep revealing more and more of Jesus’ beauty to us. May our boast be in his work, not ours—in his “It is finished!”, not in our “We’ll try harder.” May the name of Jesus be the most heard, loved, and trusted name in our church. By the all-powerful gospel, make us great lovers. By your mercy and grace, give us love for all the saints. Help us to love one another as Jesus loves us—the surest and most necessary mark of our discipleship. Tear down our divisions. Rescue us from our prejudices. Free us from all petulance and pettiness. Enable us to demonstrate the difference the gospel makes in our worship, in our conflicts, in seasons of disconnect and delight. Don’t let us ever get used to loving poorly. By the hope-filled gospel, liberate our hands, hearts, and resources for the work of your kingdom in our community and among the nations. With us or without us, the gospel will continue to bear fruit and grow throughout the world. We want it to do so with us, Father. By the life-giving gospel, revive us, transform us, and free us for your sovereign and saving purposes. We pray with longing hearts and great anticipation, in Jesus’ exalted name. (Written by Scotty Smith)
- You're embracing or our vision, MORE gospel, MORE family, MORE mission, is deeply encouraging. If you missed last weekend, take time to listen to the message on embracing Jesus' vision for our church. Let me encourage you to read the MORE Devotional (it's quite good) and use the prayer guide to help you believe in the God who can do immeasurably more than we ask or think.
- The 7th grade boys at SRCS are on board with MORE. They have banded together to each make a contribution each week. Dan Shipes writes, "I told them I'd bring in a jar to collect the offerings and when I tarried, they raided the kitchen for a Folgers coffee container.
- Speaking of SRCS, I just read these encouraging alumni testimonies!
- Chris and Danielle Roth--High School Sweethearts from the Class of 2003--Chris and Danielle have come a long way from rolling eyes at each other in class and teasing one another in the hallways before graduating in 2003. Today, they are married and living outside of Jacksonville! Danielle recalls that Seven Rivers prepared her for the rigors of college by teaching her valuable writing and note-taking skills that would serve her in the years to come, particularly law school. Today, she is practicing real estate law in Orange Park, where her husband and fellow '03 graduate teaches and coaches high school. Danielle fondly describes SRCS as "a big, extended family" where she formed relationships that she still enjoys today. "I felt like I was much more prepared than most of my college peers because I had been taught these skills in the ninth grade when I started at SRCS." --Danielle Roth (Danielle Albury), Class of 2003).
- Samantha Kauffmann--Class of 2012--Samantha left SRCS with an extraordinary appreciation for her AP and Dual Enrollment opportunities--she entered American University in Washington, D.C., with 18 college credits! She explains, "Not only am I ahead with credits, but teachers at Seven Rivers also taught me to think critically, applying what I know to be true from the Bible to every class discussion, assignment, or paper. . .I appreciate this immensely in college, where the majority of classes require self-guided studies and real world application." Samantha is putting her skills to the test as a double major in Film and Media Arts and Business Administration at American University. She plans to work as a television producer with local and national news media before developing her own freelance production company.
- Is it any wonder our school is thriving--look at how well our headmaster is loved! His wife gave him a Valentines bouquet that would warm any man's heart (and clog his arteries)--check out the "bacon roses."
- Two classes began last night with a total sign up close to 200 adults!
- Church History--six weeks (Wednesdays at 6.30pm) taught by Dr. Ken Wackes--What happened after Jesus ascended to his throne? The Romans ruled Palestine, the Temple was destroyed, the Apostles were killed, Constantine was converted, the Edict of Milan, the Council of Nicea, Christians faced persecution, early doctrines were formed, and the gospel spread. Church history happened! Church history is full of heroes, adventure, courage, failure, martyrs, theological debate, architecture, great hymns, servants, fools, and the triumph of God’s grace. Jesus said, “I will build my church and not even the gates of hell can stop me…” (meets in the Florida Room, childcare for 0-5th grade).
- Digging Deeper is a required class for anyone in a leadership role at Seven Rivers, but everyone is welcome to take this class. In this nine-week class, taught by Adam Jones, you will study the biblical truths held by our church and denomination (Presbyterian Church in America). Book required for this class (available in our bookstore) are: Essential Truths Of The Christian Faith and The Westminster Confession Of Faith. (Wednesdays at 6:30 in room 408, Sanctuary building, childcare for 0-5th grade).
- This weekend in worship, we'll have baptisms. I'm preaching on Malachi 3.8-10 and Leviticus 27.30. Don't miss worship with your church family; God is at work at SRPC. Ken and Nancy Hautop recently wrote, "Without SRPC we would still be feeling that something was missing in our life. We would be dealing with life without the support and friendship of the wonderful people in our small group and the joy of worshiping with everyone during Saturday night services. We also would not have realized how broken we all are and yet how much God loves and forgives us. We would not fully understand God’s grace. We truly have been blessed."