I am so pleased...God is doing among us more than we can ever ask or imagine. I'm loving the stories you're telling me unsolicited of how God is at work in your homes and hearts. Here are two MORE tales!
- "Well, the More Campaign is coming to a close. We have a 1999 Toyota Van with 220,000.00 miles on it and what repairs lay ahead we do not know. Our plan was to try and purchase a newer model sometime in the next few months, but after prayer and the needs of our home (Seven Rivers Church) we feel the Lord is leading us to keep the old girl, and put the monthly payments toward our commitment. We can't do both! So here goes!!! The Lord will keep it going in good running order if he wants. If not he will always find a way for us."
- "I am a thrifty (almost tight) dude. We as a family do not spend more than we make, and understand that God has always provided for us abundantly.
Ray preached a few weeks ago about a rich man that built bigger barns to store his wealth in and how he died soon after. That sermon struck me really hard. We are not rich but my mind set was not unlike the bigger barn guy. In my thriftiness, I was certain that paying off my debts and socking a little away would alleviate my fears and anxiety. I was certain if I could save and retire at 50 that happiness was mine. We have, in the mean time, had a few great years in my business that allowed my goals to be reachable. About 6 months ago we paid off our last debt, house, car, biz. A great achievement. Surprisingly, after accomplishing part one of my goals, I felt and feel no peace, no real joy, no different than I did with the massive debt. My false idol was meaningless. My barns are full, but I'm miserable trying to keep them that way. I realize now that money does not equal happiness. This MORE campaign has opened my eyes to that.
And about the retiring at 50....I believe that my business has prospered not because I wanted it to, not just because I work hard, not just because of great fellow workers, but because God wanted it to be that way. And he didn't want it to be that way so I could keep building bigger barns. He's called me to make, to save, and to spend to build HIS kingdom, not mine. Having the fancy car doesn't make me happy, helping children for many years to come go to SRCS where GOD is real and part of everyday education makes me happy."
- This weekend in worship (which is 4:30 on Saturday and 10:00 on Sunday), we'll pass out cards for you to make your 3-year financial commitments. We want everyone (other than visitors) to fill out a card -- there is something dynamic about everyone putting on the jersey, everyone sharing the load, everyone participating. Please fill out a card even if you've already filled one out in early commitment; please fill one out even if all you're able to do is continue tithing over the next 3 years and can't make any further commitment. Please discuss it together with your spouse so that you can fill out a card during worship and let us know what the Father has led you to do. Then, we'll bring our commitments as we come to receive the Lord's Supper, recognizing His lavish giving to us, we'll respond with joyful gifts for Him.
- After worship, we'll go out on the athletic field and eat (it's free!) and play. If you've got children -- do not miss this weekend...as there will be train rides, bounce houses, cotton candy and all manner of sugar-laden, hyperactivity-inducing stuff! By the way, if you can help supervise some of the children's games on Sunday, would you contact Teri Hill?
- Want to invite scores of our neighbors to SRPC and have a blast doing it? Volunteer to help man our booth at the Homosassa Shrimpapalooza on Saturday, March 23; contact Brandon Lauranzon.
- Easter is coming
- Maundy Thursday Worship on March 28 at 6:30pm
- Easter Egg Hunt and picnic on March 30 at 11am
- Easter Worship on March 30 & 31!
- John Shedd once wrote, "A ship in the harbor is safe...but that's not what ships are built for." I invite you to join the risk-takers at SRPC who are willing to go "all in" and bet everything on the kingdom of God. This weekend is the end of the MORE campaign, but the beginning of three years of watching God at work. Interest in our school is at it's highest ever (open house events that typically draw 20 prospective students drew 50!) and we haven't even built the preschool or athletic complex yet! I can't wait to step out in faith with you this weekend in worship. "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3.20-21)